Saul's psychedelic pointilism always tickles my taint(sp?). Steve DiBennedetto's large ugly painting in the same show was kind of ugly in a bad way, but after two beers and a nip of Vodka, it started to look kinda sexy. I'm still deciding if this is a good thing.
We then hit 'Lil Tokyo for some Boba. As you can see, Pants and I got some killer buzzes from the watermelon slush. This gypsy woman who sat next to us (who looked strikingly similar to La Beautiful) pined for a sip. The Gentle Giant looked on with vague disapproval.

I saw Peter Saul speak at my school once - it was cool. He is refreshingly "fuck it". He seems to have little care for trendiness or pretension. I admire this quality in an artist. Also, last night I had dinner at a Chinese Food restaurant in BK and had Roast Duck a'la Erik Parker, named after the dude who curated that show. It was so delicious. I hope to have a food named after me one day. I am thinking it would be a special dessert crepe...
Yeah, I want a nice submarine sandwich named after me at some point
I miss you fools
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