So how about that RNC speech by Palin last night eh? Pretty killer right? Totally the jam. The hero of the party. Oh Ja, she's ready. I love that North Dakotan accent she's got going, the hair, the LOOK. And what a mouth on that one. So feisty!
Talking about politics has never been a fave, as I always feel that there are too many facts to grab, so many numbers and pie graphs to memorize—not counting the secrets that go on behind the media and the politicians—to convince anyone to change their position, esp. when it comes to party affiliations. If the world was more socratic, I would bother to try more, but I'd rather get the Led out, so to speak, in art making or blogging to an audience of, like, four people. What ever happened to the idea of having the humility to change your position? E. Tolle said to be wrong is like death to the ego. I agree, because for what other reason would people AVOID socratic conversation as much as they do? Everything has to be dualized and polarized. More on this idea later...
I don't really know how to be a great debater or speaker but I'm pretty sure I'm right about this: the Republicans, for the most part, are a bunch of self-hating MachiavelliansHell-bent on getting whatever they can now and not giving a rat's petuti about anyone else in the process, except for maybe the other fools who believe in the same principles. And I'm not even mentioning the religious right part. Hoo boy. It's gets ever more fucky from there.
Is that picture for real?!
Oh ja for sure
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